File Operations
Find and Replace Text
sed -i 's/old-text/new-text/g' filename
Replace all occurrences of ‘old-text’ with ’new-text’ in a file
Quick File Search
find . -name "*.txt" -type f -mtime -7
Find all .txt files modified in the last 7 days
Move files with rsync and ssh
rsync -avz -e "ssh -p 22" <source_file_or_dir> user@<remote_host>:/<remote_dir>/
Rsync via ssh. Port 22 is default but is added as a reminder that you might need to change to something else.
Make a differential rsync backup over ssh and hardlink to a previously backed up file if it hasn’t changed
Find duplicates on a hard drive with support for hardlinks
# Find and hardlink duplicates
rdfind -makehardlinks true /path/to/drive
# Just identify duplicates
rdfind -dryrun true /path/to/drive
Backup to a cloud provider with encrypted filenames
rclone copy \
/source/path crypt:backup \
--crypt-remote "gdrive:encrypted" \
--crypt-password "your-password" \
--crypt-filename-encryption standard \
--crypt-directory-name-encryption true \
--transfers 4 \
--checkers 8 \
--tpslimit 10
Needs config on the cloud provider: -> $ rclone config and read
Deduplicate files across multiple remotes
rclone dedupe \
--dedupe-mode newest \
remote1:path remote2:path remote3:path \
--dry-run \
--check-sum \
Critical sync with monitoring and notifications to
rclone sync \
/local/path remote:backup \
--monitor \
--monitor-notify-url="" \
--monitor-notify-headers="Authorization: Bearer tk_your_access_token" \
--monitor-min-age 5m \
--use-json-log \
--log-file="/var/log/rclone-sync.log" \
--stats 1m
Loopback devices
In memory-only tmpfs for docker
Detailed info on network config
nmcli dev show
Port Scanning
netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN
List all listening ports and the processes using them
Speed testing
iperf3 -s # run as server/receiving side
iperf3 -c <server_hostname> -f M -u -R # run speed test between both hosts / format output in Mbit / use UDP instead of default UDP / add -R to reverse the direction (server sends data to client)
Speed testing with iperf3. By default it tests on port 5201. Read man page for authentication mechanisms.
Look at traffic on a specific port
sudo tcpdump -i any port 67 or port 68 or port 69 -n
Look at dhcp and tftp traffic (in this example) to see what kind of information is exchanged. Leave out the -n
to resolve ip’s.
Live usage
Quick HTTP Server
python3 -m http.server 8000
Start a simple HTTP server in the current directory
hugo serve -D
Run hugo locally to see how the generated static site will like like on prod
Process Management
Memory Usage
ps aux | sort -rk 4,4 | head -n 5
Show top 5 processes by memory usage
DNS config
resolvectl status
See DNS config per NIC
nmcli dev show | grep DNS
docker logs pihole | grep random to find your random pass
Find the random generated pw when launching a container with default settings.
docker exec -it pihole bash
pihole -f
Flush the cache in the container.
Proxmox cli
Get a CT template
pveam update
pveam available
pveam download <template>
List CT’s, VM’s and storage
pct list
qm list
pvesm status
Create a container
pct create 101 local:vztmpl/debian-12-standard_12.7-1_amd64.tar.zst \
--hostname nginx-proxy \
--cores 2 \
--memory 2028 \
--swap 512 \
--rootfs local-zfs:20 \
--net0 name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,ip=,gw= \
Watch out for the ID.
Remove and purge everything
# Stop all running containers
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
# Remove all containers
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
# Remove all images
docker rmi $(docker images -q) -f
# Remove all stopped containers, unused networks, dangling images, and build cache
docker system prune -a
# If you also want to remove volumes
docker system prune -a --volumes
Be careful when using these commands as they will remove:
All stopped containers
All networks not used by at least one container
All images without at least one container associated with them
All build cache
All volumes (if –volumes is specified)
Tree view of docker networks and containers attached
docker network ls --format '{{.Name}}' | while read net; do \
echo "Network: $net"; \
docker network inspect "$net" --format '{{range .Containers}}{{.Name}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}' | sed 's/^/ └─ /' || echo " └─ (none)";